Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act
The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides Adults, Dislocated Workers, and Youth access to support and services to help obtain and maintain full time employment on a career pathway. WIOA can help you explore job opportunities, connect to necessary training, and help build the skills you need to get you started on a career pathway that works for you.
Northwest Wisconsin CEP is the regional provider of WIOA career and training services. To receive services from Northwest Wisconsin CEP, including workshops, training assistance, and employment opportunities you must be enrolled at the Job Center of Wisconsin.

To get started please follow these steps:
1. Create an account.
Please make note of your username and password and bring it with you to your appointment. If you cannot access an already created account, please call our American Job Center at 1-888-258-9966, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for assistance.
2. Attend orientation.
Please make an appointment (virtual or in-person during COVID-19) to determine needs and next steps. You can find the nearest Northwest CEP office by clicking here and call the number listed to make an appointment.
Please bring these documents with you:
- Two forms of ID to prove citizenship and eligibility to work in the U.S
- Your current Resume, if available
- Veterans, please bring your DD214
- If you are a male born in 1960 or after, we will also check to ensure you are registered with the Selective Service
Once you are enrolled, our team may assist you with
- Career Counseling and Exploration
- Workshops such as Resume Building, Interview Skills, and Managing Social Media
- Microsoft Skills Certifications
- We also offer career-specific training and education opportunities, including financial assistance. In order to be eligible for financial assistance, you must have completed the enrollment instructions above
- Your career field must require additional training
- Your chosen career must be one that is in-demand
- The training must be a State of Wisconsin approved training program
- Eligibility requirements must be met
- Approval is not guaranteed and is on a case-by-case basis
Once you are ready for employment, our Business Services Team, who is always working with companies who are hiring, will work to place you into a job. They will:
- Advocate on your behalf with employers
- Recommend you for an interview
- Provide feedback on your resume and interview skills to help you become more marketable to an employer