Browse our list of frequently asked questions or reach out today if we don’t have the answer you’re looking for.
Most likely. We have one year of follow up minimum from our initial meeting so it is likely that you are still in the program. Please email mfilipek@nwwib.com if you aren't sure.
If your family member is in prison, have them contact their social worker to email mfilipek@nwwib.com. If your family member is in jail, please email their name, where they are incarcerated, and their release date to mfilipek@nwwib.com.
Yes. Reincarceration does not disqualify you from the program. Please contact us you can so we can make plans around your new situation.
There is a lot we can help with including looking for work, training (tuition, books, tools), gas cards, a phone and release clothing as well many other services. Please ask if you don't know if we can pay for something, the worst thing you can hear is no.
The most important requirements are that the client releases to NW Wisconsin, has 20-270 days left in sentence and that they will be serving the sentence in a jail or prison. If you aren't sure, please email mfilipek@nwwib.com.
Yes! WIOA Youth Program can assist you with connecting with apprenticeship opportunities and provide supportive services to assist in your success.
You can apply for the WIOA Youth Program by connecting with a CEP Career Planner. More information can be found here: https://nwcep.org/
The WIOA Youth Program can assist you with career awareness/exploration, give you experience working on a job, increase your skills, provide you with leadership development opportunities, mentoring, financial literacy education, and more.
No, you do not have to be in high school to be eligible for the WIOA Youth Program. You can either be attending high school, post-secondary school, or not attending school.
Many programs we offer have age requirements. Youth who are in high school (14-18) can receive services through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA). Youth 18 and older may be eliigible for WIOA and other programs.
The NWWIB has handheld language translators that can be utilized if an individual comes to our offices seeking services.
No, you do not need to have work experience. The NWWIB helps individuals at all career stages, including those entering the workforce for the first time
No. While the NWWIB works closely with government agencies, the NWWIB itself is a non-profit organization.
Yes. In order to qualify for any of the NWWIB programs, individuals must be seeking out employment or training for employment.
A workforce board is a network of state, federal, and local offices that support the development of the country's workforce and economic expansion. The NWWIB is 1 of 11 workforce boards in the State of Wisconsin.
No, the NWWIB is not a Job Center of Wisconsin location. The Job Center of Wisconsin is located at any Northwest CEP offices.
No. Although, we do highly encourage you give us a call beforehand as a heads-up if you are planning on walking in to our offices to learn more about our programs. We are also able to meet virtually or, over the phone if meeting in-person is not possible.
Currently the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Phlebotomy and Medical Assistant (CMA) are eligible for the COW grant as long as you are going to graduate on or before 12/31/2024
NWWIB will provide tailored training solutions that align with your specific goals and challenges.
We work closely with you to understand your company culture and job requirements, ensuring we refer candidates who align well with your expectations.
NWWIB can provide assistance in establishing an effective Youth and/or Registered Apprenticeship program to attract and develop new talent.
NWWIB provides information on available incumbent worker and on-the-job training opportunities, certifications and resources that improve the skills and retention of your workforce.
Individuals can meet virtually, through a phone call, email, text or in person.
No. It is a grant not a loan.
Individuals should bring at least two forms of ID. This can include a birth certificate, social security number and/or a driver's license.
We offer supportive services to those who are looking to succeed in training or seeking employment.
We offer supportive services that help people succeed in training or seeking employment/ being employed.
Please call 715-685-1425 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. You can also call any other time and leave a voice message.