To qualify for this exceptional opportunity, you must be be pursuing early childhood care and development as a major or minor. GROWS aims to bridge the gap between an associate degree in early childhood care and development and a four-year university education. This program is especially beneficial for those who may not qualify for the TEACH program, providing tailored support and resources to help you succeed in your studies and career. Take the next step in your educational journey with GROWS and become a leader in early childhood education!

Eligibility Requirements:

Eligible to work in the U.S.
Pursuing a four-year degree major in or minor in Early Childhood Care & Development

Must be incoming, current or transfer student at the listed schools:

University of Wisconsin-River Falls

University of Wisconsin-Stout

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

University of Wisconsin - Superior

Nicolet College

Northwood Technical College

Northcentral Technical College



Disclaimer: The TEACH Early Childhood Wisconsin program is funded by Wisconsin Department of Children and Families. T.E.A.C.H. is a program of Wisconsin Early Childhood Association, a state nonprofit that advances comprehensive support of the early childhood workforce and early care and education in Wisconsin.

Get Started Today!

Ryce Davis

Special Projects Case Coordinator

Dawn Knapp

Grant Project Coordinator

Kate Owens

Project Coordinator of Cluster 1 (orange)

Becca Collins

Grant Project Coordinator

Dawn Knapp

Project Coordinator of Cluster 3 (blue)

Brian Kalish

Project Coordinator of Cluster 4 (red)