
Regional Forums to Highlight Successes

February 1, 2023
A forum designed to highlight regional workforce development investments, available funding, resources to aid competitiveness, and local successes with worker recruitment and retention.

Winning with Wisconsin's Workforce: Regional Forums to Highlight Training Resources, Strategic Opportunities, and Local Success Stories

The Northwest Wisconsin Workforce Investment Board is inviting employers, educators, community leaders, nonprofit service providers and more to attend a forum designed to highlight regional workforce development investments, available funding, resources to aid competitiveness, and local successes with worker recruitment and retention.

Called Winning with Wisconsin's Workforce, the free forum is part of a larger series of events organized by Wisconsin's regional Workforce Development Boards and the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. The event will be held on:

Tuesday, February 14th | 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Northcentral Technical College’s Phillips Campus
Northwood Technical College’s Superior Campus
Northwood Technical College’s Hayward Outreach Center

Lunch will be provided

The event will provide an overview of regional business services that can help employers connect with customized labor training funds, apprenticeship, tools to remove workforce barriers, and underutilized talent pools including veterans and workers with disabilities. Interested participants can register here for any of the upcoming sessions.

For more information about the Winning with Wisconsin’s Workforce event or business services available in Northwest Wisconsin, please contact Scott Schultz, Director of Industry & Innovation, at 715-201-8493 or

A forum designed to highlight regional workforce development investments, available funding, resources to aid competitiveness, and local successes with worker recruitment and retention.